To celebrate 20 releases, the Earshift Music label will be throwing a party with some of its favourite bands over four nights! Come and get along for some music and partying
Friday 4th May
20th Century Dog / I Hold the Lion's Paw
Venue 505 / 280 Cleveland St Surry Hills
doors at 6:00pm, music from 8:30pm
$20 tickets
Saturday 5th May
I Hold the Lion's Paw
The Boiler House at The Hydro Majestic / 52-88 Great Western Hwy, Medlow Bath
doors 7:30pm, music from 8:00pm tickets
Sunday 6th May
The Strides / Mister Ott
Lazybones Lounge / 294 Marrickville Rd, Marrickville
doors: 5:00pm, Mister Ott 6:30-7:30pm, Strides 8:30-9:30pm tickets
Saturday 12th May
The Vampires Meet Shannon Barnett
Foundry 616 / 616 Harris St Ultimo
doors 6:30pm, music from 8:30pm $25 / $15 tickets